When I first needed to see which groups a certain AAD device I thought that this would be very easy. I mean, if you want to get group membership for a user, you could just do that in the portal (via User-pane or the troubleshooting pane in Intune) or through the Get-AzureADUserMembership Powershell cmdlet.
However, it’s not that easy for a device. You can’t see it in the portal and there’s no equivalent to Get-AzureADUserMembership for a device.
So here is how you do it in PowerShell. I will be using the AzureAD-module for this. You could also do this via the Graph API, but using the AAD module is much more simple and also a lot less code.
First, we need to connect to AzureAD
Then we need to get all AAD-groups and assign it to the Groups-variable. We will also create an empty array which will hold all our objects which are returned from the query.
$Groups = Get-AzureADGroup $Arr = @()
Then we need to loop through every group and check if which groups our device is a member of. When a match is found, it is added to our array.
ForEach($group in $groups) { $MemberOf = Get-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $group.objectid | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -eq $DeviceName} If($MemberOf) { $Arr += [PSCustomObject]@{ GroupName = $Group.DisplayName } } }
If a group is found, we will output it.
If($arr) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Device $($DeviceName) is member of the following AAD-groups:" $arr } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Device $($DeviceName) is not member of any groups. " }
Here is a sample output:
PS C:\Users\RobinStenborg> Get-AzureADDeviceGroupMembership -DeviceName TFSB2 Device TFSB2 is member of the following AAD-groups: GroupName -------------------- grp-intune-insider grp-intune-testrstenborg
Here is the function in its entirety. In the code below I also added a check to see if the device exists in AAD.
Function Get-AzureADDeviceGroupMembership { param([parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$DeviceName) $Arr = @() $Groups = Get-AzureADGroup $Device = Get-AzureADDevice -Filter "displayname eq '$($DeviceName)'" If($Device) { ForEach($group in $groups) { $MemberOf = Get-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $group.objectid | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -eq $DeviceName} If($MemberOf) { $arr += [PSCustomObject]@{ GroupName = $Group.DisplayName } } } If($arr) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Device $($DeviceName) is member of the following AAD-groups:" $arr } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Device $($DeviceName) is not member of any groups. " } } else { Write-Host "Device $($DeviceName) does not exist in AAD" } }
how to join the group?
How do you mean? 🙂 How to add a device to a AAD group?